Sidney Powell Presser Statements About Algorithms & Fraud - Explained

At yesterday's press conference (transcript here), Trump Team lawyer Sidney Powell alleged that Smartmatic software was manipulating the election results and at some point in the night the algorithm broke down and the counting of votes had to be stopped to fix it.  See below (my emphasis added).

Now the software itself was created with so many variables and so many back doors that can be hooked up to the internet or a thumbdrive stuck in it or whatever, but one of its most characteristic features is its ability to flip votes. It can set and run an algorithm that probably ran all over the country to take a certain percentage of votes from President Trump and flip them to President Biden which we might never have uncovered had the votes for President Trump not been so overwhelming in so many of these states that it broke the algorithm that had been plugged into the system and that’s what caused them to have to shut down in the states they shut down in. That’s when they came in the backdoor with all the mail-in ballots, many of which they had actually fabricated, some were on pristine paper with identically matching perfect circle dots for Mr. Biden. Others were shoved in in batches, they’re always put in in a certain number of batches and people would rerun the same batch. This corresponds to our statistical evidence that shows incredible spikes in the vote counts at particular times and that corresponds to eyewitness testimony of numerous people who have come forward and said they saw the ballots come in the backdoor at that time.

Powell, in an interview this morning with Fox Business News, explained that she's "not really a numbers person," so her explanation needs a little help.

It can set and run an algorithm that probably ran all over the country to take a certain percentage of votes from President Trump and flip them to President Biden...

It has been confirmed (by yours truly and others) that the vote switching algorithm ran in key battleground states and everywhere else (except Alaska and Hawaii).

...which we might never have uncovered had the votes for President Trump not been so overwhelming in so many of these states that it broke the algorithm that had been plugged into the system and that’s what caused them to have to shut down in the states they shut down in.

The vote switching algorithm was not set high enough to move enough votes to overcome Trump's advantage.   The algorithm did not "break" nor did it cause the vote tallying systems to stop.  

Adjusting the algorithm could be accomplished in real time and uploaded into the system.  The problem with doing a real-time update was that the vote tally for Biden would have been greater than actual physical ballots.

That’s when they came in the backdoor with all the mail-in ballots, many of which they had actually fabricated, some were on pristine paper with identically matching perfect circle dots for Mr. Biden.

The reason for the shut down of the system, as Powell explained, was to have time to fabricate the paper ballots needed if an audit should occur.

Others were shoved in in batches, they’re always put in in a certain number of batches and people would rerun the same batch.  This corresponds to our statistical evidence that shows incredible spikes in the vote counts at particular times and that corresponds to eyewitness testimony of numerous people who have come forward and said they saw the ballots come in the backdoor at that time.

Powell is correct.  

The statistics back up her claim that batches of ballots were run that caused considerable spikes in the votes.  

These data are from Michigan and were sent to the NYT around 6:30 AM on November 4, 2020 and show an incredible spike in votes for Biden, in which he gets a highly improbable 96% of the votes. 

Biden's vote percentage jumps from 47% to 48.5% (1.5%).


This spike is not to be confused with a spike that was generated by Decision Desk HQ and subsequently fixed earlier in the night.  

Several social media users pointed out the jump in votes ( ,, including President Trump (here) . The tweets showed screenshots of the change in vote tallies on the elections map by Decision Desk HQ, an election data service ( , where Biden’s count jumped from 1,992,356 to 2,130,695 while Trump’s tally stayed at 2,200,902

The spike displayed in the spread sheet occurred approximately two hours after a truck load of ballots showed up at a polling place in Detroit and there is no offsetting correction in the Michigan data.  

Trump's vote percentage steadily declines at a rate of .001 or less through the rest of the vote count.

These data are current as of TODAY at 7:38 AM EST.

The spike I showed you is alive and well...and it's evidence of an irregularity or anomaly that can be tied to affidavits held by the Trump legal team. 

Ray Blehar at 1:24 PM, EST,  November 20, 2020.

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