The reasons why WIMP votes get stolen

The 2020 steal of Write-In and Minor Party (WIMP) votes reminds me of kids who steal money from a change jar.  Typically, the kids screw up by taking all the quarters and leaving behind just nickels, dimes, and pennies.  The parent or change jar owner is oblivious of the theft until they pick up the jar and notice that it is too light.  After which,  they dump the jar and see all the quarters are missing -- and the theft is confirmed.

In the 2020 election, the (unspecified) vote thieves made the same mistake.  

All that was left in the in the WIMP vote jar was nickels, dimes, and pennies (i.e., an incredibly low number of votes).

So, why are WIMP votes targeted for theft?

Millions of WIMP Votes Shifted Nationwide

Did shifted WIMP (Write-In & Minor Party) votes make Biden more "popular" than Clinton?

Back in 2016, then candidate Hillary Clinton got almost 3 million more popular votes than the Electoral College winner, Donald Trump.   

In 2020, Trump gained more popular votes as a sitting president than any of his predecessors.  Trump also received the highest percentage of non-white votes than any GOP candidate since Richard Nixon in 1960.  

Despite those statistics, Trump (allegedly) still lost to Biden by a little over 7 million votes.   

Or did he?